Orange Shirt Day | Weighs Heavy - Care for yourself, Learn More

Hello community,

We are about to approach Monday, September 30th, Every Child Matters - Orange Shirt Day - National Truth and Reconciliation, we want to share some resources with you ahead of Monday.

Reminder: If you’re not aware, this is a big day of remembrance, advocacy, visibility, and action for survivors of Boarding and Residential Schools, their families, descendants, and the advocates and organizations putting in the heart work to seek justice, accountability, healing, solutions, and action.

In May 2021, 215 Indigenous babies were unearthed from the Kamloops residential property. A truly heartbreaking thing to see, witness, and the ripple efforts of trauma, and pain resurfacing for so many. Many Indigenous Peoples are descendants of Boarding and Residential school attendees. Many not making it home. Many that did, felt the impacts of what they witnessed and experienced, that passed down the intergenerational trauma, so many Indigenous Peoples are experiencing and finding ways to heal and move forward.

Since May 2021, over 10,000 Indigenous bodies have been unearthed across Boarding and Residential Schools.

Please continue to learn more about this past that is very much present, today. And below, are ways you can participate to support!




ABOUT NABS: Truth, Justice & Healing

The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) is the first and only national organization whose purpose is to advocate on behalf of Native peoples impacted by U.S. Indian boarding school policies. We seek truth through education and research, justice through activism and policy advocacy, and healing through programs and traditional gatherings.



Want to support the U.S. Truth and Healing Commission Bill? Whether you are an individual or represent a Tribe, organization, or group, you can find resources in our toolkit that allow you to advocate for the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act (S. 1723/H.R. 7227).




From Indian Residential School Survivors Society

🧡 Acknowledging the
Weight of September 🧡


Caring for Ourselves: Honoring Healing During Times of Reflection 

As September unfolds, we enter a period of reflection and remembrance with the approach of the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation on September 30th. For survivors, their families, and impacted First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, this time can be deeply emotional and stressful, with media coverage often reopening wounds and resurfacing painful memories. 

At IRSSS, we stand with you, offering support, resources, and a listening ear. Healing is a shared journey, and it’s important to care for ourselves and each other during this time. 

If you or someone you know needs support, remember that help is always available. Our 24-hour Crisis Line is here for you: 1 (800) 721-0066. Healing can begin with a single call. 

For moments when we are not in crisis but still need comfort, traditional healing practices, like the Medicine Wheel, offer balance and guidance. 





As we observe Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and the upcoming Orange Shirt Day, "Every Child Matters," it's important to bring attention to our community's collective efforts toward healing and wellness. This time of year can present deep emotions and memories, reminding many of us of the trauma our ancestors faced and the impact it still has on us today. These emotional and mental responses may manifest in our own bodies, carrying the weight of trauma and grief passed down through generations. The dialogue we create is rooted deeply in our blood memory, often evoking difficult thoughts and emotions not only for survivors and their descendants but for all Indigenous people and allies.

In navigating this time, we must be mindful of our own healing. It begins by acknowledging and allowing these heavy emotions to surface and creating safety. We are encouraged to seek external resources such as therapy, ceremony, sweat lodge, and powwow, while also cultivating our internal resources such as coping, grounding, and positive affirmations. By recognizing the spirit, mind, and body as interconnected, we can take steps toward healing and truth, both individually and collectively. Let us move forward with compassion and awareness, honoring our journey and the strength of our ancestors.

- Son Sanchez (Rising Hearts, Running With Purpose Athlete Advocate)

Every Child Matters Rememberance Run

🧡 Orange Shirt Day 🧡


Rising Hearts will be hosting the 2024 4TH Annual #EveryChildMatters 5k Remembrance Run on #OrangeShirtDay


Remembering and honoring the thousands of Indigenous children stolen from their families and homelands, forced into Boarding and Residential Schools, and the survivors, and descendants.

Since May 2021, over 12k Indigenous children and bodies have been unearthed from these schools. This is a heartbreaking reality across Indigenous communities as families fight for their return home, for justice for families, and for opportunities to support survivors and build a future that is bright and thriving for our next generations. We will have our Rising Hearts #RunningForJustice virtual team when you sign up.

“Kill the Indian, save the man” was the federal policy to steal our relatives and forcibly commit cultural genocide on our relatives by assimilating us. To date, over 10,000 Indigenous children have been unearthed across the US and Canada. It’s time to call for meaningful healing, truth and reconciliation. It’s time we call on the government for justice and accountability. It’s time we provide and expand mental health services and support for survivors and those experiencing trauma. It’s time that this country acknowledges the injustice they created and harm they have done to the first peoples of these stolen lands. This is history that should be in our school curriculums - not our history erased. 

On our registration page, we have webinars for you to watch, books to read, podcasts to listen to, resources to visit, ways to take action as an individual, as community, by the Church, for teachers, for survivors and descendants and more!

We appreciate the Rising Hearts community for your support, for sharing our awareness campaigns, for participating, for donating, and so much more. YOU ARE PART OF THAT! Wopila tanka, many thanks!

We will be donating to Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition and Indian Residential School Survivors Society!


Get your Every Child Matter 5k Remembrance Run Shirt!

$25 and 2 day shipping!



In 2023 Rising Hearts donated $2000 to the Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition and $2000 to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society!

We are asking for your help and continuing support to bring awareness and funds to support the needed programming for survivors, families, and policy efforts to bring justice, healing and accountability.